Shipping Policy

Thank you for choosing Zappcode Academy for your professional training needs! Please read our Shipping Policy carefully to understand how we handle course materials and resources.

Digital Delivery:

All course materials, including but not limited to lecture notes, slides, and supplementary resources, are delivered digitally. Upon enrollment in any of our programs, students will receive access to our online learning platform, where they can access and download all necessary materials.

No Physical Shipping:

As all our courses are conducted on-campus at our Ngapur location, we do not offer physical shipping services for any course materials. Students are expected to attend classes in person and utilize digital resources provided through our online platform.

Course Material Access:

Access to course materials is granted upon enrollment and remains available throughout the duration of the course and beyond, subject to any applicable access restrictions.

Technical Support:

We provide technical support to ensure smooth access to our online learning platform and course materials. If you encounter any issues with accessing or downloading materials, please contact our technical support team at +91 74002 93601.

Changes to Shipping Policy:

Zappcode Academy reserves the right to modify or update this Shipping Policy at any time without prior notice. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting the revised policy on our website.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions or concerns about our Shipping Policy, please feel free to contact us at, call +91 74002 93601/07 or visit our campus during business hours.

Thank you for choosing Zappcode Academy for your training and professional development needs!

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